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APHG - Distance Learning Homepage

Basic schedule: 

M/W/F - Practice FRQ

Tue./Th. - Content/Vocab Review

Monday, May 18th 


ASSIGNMENT: You have one final assignment this week. It will be worth 100 points. It is not a completion grade. I will grade the quality of your work. Your grade cannot go down, but you aren't guaranteed a 100% just by turning something in. So, depending on where your grade is and where you want to end the semester... plan accordingly. 

I know sometimes in school you wonder, "when will I ever need to know this?" Well, I may be biased, but I really believe the vast majority of things you learn in APHG are VERY applicable to life and the real world. So, for your last assignment, I would like you to do the following:

APHG and the REAL WORLD Assignment:

1. This can be done either by writing/typing your response and submitting via email, OR you can record yourself talking through your response and submit the video to me. If you do a video it MUST be video AND audio both. 


2. Choose 2-3 things that you learned in class this year and explain why they are applicable to the real world. These could be things you can actually see in the world around you, things you've experienced and can make sense of because of what you've learned, or things you can apply to your own life.


3. Your response should be detailed and use well-thought-out support. Don't worry about being overly formal, but you should be thorough and clear. The explanation is the most important aspect of this. 


4. A well-written response would be 1-2 pages at least. A well done recorded response should be around 2-3 minutes minimum.   

TO-DO: Submit your real-world assignment NO LATER than Thursday, May 21st at NOON!

Tuesday, May 12th 


ASSIGNMENT: No assignments for the rest of the week. What I would like is to hear from EVERYONE about how yesterday's exam went. I've created a discussion on the forum page called "exam debrief". You can post there, or if you'd feel more comfortable you can email me directly. I expect to hear something from each one of you by Friday! 

TO-DO: Respond to Mrs. Meyers about the exam either in the forum or by email. 

Tuesday, May 12th 


ASSIGNMENT: No assignment today. Use your time to review any last things or ask me ANY questions you have. Use your exam checklist that I linked last week to make sure you've taken care of everything. I recorded yesterday's Google Meet... but somehow it didn't record any audio... just video which isn't very helpful. SORRY! If you have questions just ask me in an email or on the forum. I'll get back to you ASAP. 


*Access the exam either from the e-ticket that was emailed to you or by logging into your AP account. 

*Log in 30 minutes before exam start (1:30 for your 2:00 exam)

*Have all of your notes and resources organized and easily accessible.

*Have your FRQ guidelines printed if you need to use it for reference

*Make sure your device is plugged in

*Disable Grammarly

*Use ALMOST ALL of your time constructing your responses, not looking up information. 

*If you have the time, WRITE MORE! 

*Watch the timer

*Make sure all of your responses are in your own words. Don't plagiarize. 


TO-DO: Ask ANY questions prior to 1:30. 

Monday, May 11th 


ASSIGNMENT: Today at 2:00 there will be a Google meet for anyone interested. I'll be able to answer any last questions or review anything you'd like. If you aren't able to be there at 2:00, I'll record it and post the video so you can watch it later. Before you join the meet, look through your notes and review materials and have questions ready!


APHG Pre Exam Meeting - Click Here to Join

TO-DO: Get questions together and join us for a meetup at 2:00!

Friday, May 8th 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Next week, I thought I would do a Google Meetup before the exam so you have the opportunity to ask any last-minute questions and we can talk about a few things. Plan on Monday afternoon at 2:00. I will record the meetup so you can watch it later if you can't make it. 

ASSIGNMENT: I would really like you all to watch the AP Human Master Class today at 3:00. This has the potential to be a really cool opportunity! I've linked it below. It will also be archived on College Board's YouTube channel if you can't watch live. 

College Board Master Class - Live at 3:00

TO-DO: Watch the master class! Come on... everyone else is doing it!

Wednesday, May 6th - Thursday, May 7th 

COOL OPPORTUNITY: Tomorrow (Friday May 8th) at 3pm, College Board is having a "Master Class" for AP Human. They've been doing this for all courses but just released who the guest speaker will be. Your class will be taught by the chief geographer for the US State Department. This is pretty cool! I plan on watching and so should you!

ASSIGNMENT: I don't know why, but it took almost 24 hours for this video to upload... so here it is. Better late than never. Watch the Unit 5 review video and let me know if you have questions or need clarification on anything!

Unit 5 Review Video (IT'S READY!)

TO-DO: Watch the video. Review Unit 5 (Ch. 10) 

Tuesday, May 5th 

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have completed the demo exam! Also, I will be posting the Unit 5 review video tomorrow. So please make any requests in the discussion forum no later than noon today!

SIDE NOTE: You already have your 8 digit AP code. It's the number that was on all your sticky bar code labels the day we bubbled for the exam in class. I asked you to keep the little square from that day and take a photo of it and email it to yourself. This is why. 

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ. I watched this video the other day and it is PERFECT for Unit 5. It's about how the pandemic is affecting dairy farmers. It also includes some GREAT review of Unit 5 concepts like the agricultural revolution and commercial. vs. subsistence. Watch the video, then complete the practice FRQ. I think I addressed this before, but you won't see any identify or define on the exam. Those are too easy to lookup. Be prepared for describe, explain, and compare. So, that's what I've given you today. 

Why American Dairy Farmers are Dumping Milk - VIDEO

Practice FRQ - Dairy Farming

TO-DO: Watch the video, complete the practice FRQ. Let me know if you have questions about any of your responses. 

Monday, May 4th 

IMPORTANT: DO NOT IGNORE TODAY'S ASSIGNMENT! Also, I will be posting the Unit 5 review video on WEDNESDAY. So please make any requests in the discussion forum no later than tomorrow!

ASSIGNMENT: Complete the AP Exam demo and watch the two short videos from College Board.


Below, I have posted a link to the AP Exam checklist that will help ensure you are ready to take the exam NEXT TUESDAY!!! Read through the checklist. To access the demo exam, click on the link in the checklist under the "Am I Ready to Test?" heading. Before you begin the demo, decide how you want to submit your responses. You have three choices: attach a file, paste from a word doc, or upload a photo. The demo will have detailed instructions for each method. You need to complete the demo exam in the SAME way you plan on doing the actual exam so you know everything is working.  

A couple of additional things that have come up. First, on exam day, you MUST disable grammarly if you are typing your answers (they'll know if you don't). Second, and probably most important is ONLY USE CHROME as a browser to do all of this. AP has said their website was created to play nicely with Chrome. ANY OTHER BROWSER COULD CAUSE PROBLEMS!


Exam Day Checklist (with demo exam link)

Exam Walkthrough Video

Exam Rules Video

TO-DO: Read the entire checklist, complete the demo, watch the two videos. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Friday, May 1st 

IMPORTANT: Demo exam on Monday so you can check that everything is working before the official exam on May 12th. Stay tuned. ALSO... make sure you are reading ALL emails from College Board! Lastly... Your grade for this week is Tuesday's vocab quiz. Get that done ASAP if you want the points. 

ASSIGNMENT: Watch the Unit 4 review video. This one isn't the other guy... I did it. Unit 4 is chapter 7 (ethnicity) and chapter 8 (political geography). Know that the unit is way more heavily weighted to chapter 8, so spend more time reviewing that. Also remember that the College Board YouTube site is doing review videos as well. Many of you have told me you've watched them and found them helpful. So, check those out if you want a little extra review. 

Unit 4 Review Video

TO-DO: Watch the Unit 4 review video. 

Thursday, April 30th 

IMPORTANT: I was informed by College Board that there will be a demo of the AP Exam on MONDAY, MAY 4th. You will all be able to log in and submit something just to verify that your device and everything is working. I'll give you details Monday so DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE WEBSITE!

ASSIGNMENT: I'd like to do some additional religion review before we move on to Unit 4. I found two short videos I'd like you to watch. The first is from Ted-Ed and does a great job of reviewing and summarizing the five major world religions. It covers basic beliefs, hearth, diffusion, and current distribution. I also found a cool timelapse of diffusion that really shows where religions are and the rate at which they spread. Give both of these a watch!


The Five Major World Religions - Ted-Ed

Religious Diffusion Timelapse

TO-DO: Watch the two religion review videos.

Wednesday, April 29th 

GENERAL NOTES: Today is the deadline to request topics for the Unit 4 review video. Please post these by noon. 

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ. I'd like everyone to try the one below on Language. It's short (only 4 parts) so it won't take you long. As always, let me know if you have questions about your scoring and I'll help you. 


TO-DO: Practice FRQ on Language. Remember to time yourself and take no more than 15 min. on this on since it's short. Only use notes as necessary

Tuesday, April 28th 

GENERAL NOTES: Tomorrow (Wednesday 4/29) is the deadline to request topics for the Unit 4 review video. Please post these by noon tomorrow. 

ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 4/5 vocab quiz. This is a different version of the one we took in class last semester. What I would like you to do is take the quiz below either by printing it off, or completing it digitally. DO NOT USE NOTES! Your grade will be based on completion. Once you're finished, check your answers with the key and email me (photo or attachment) the GRADED completed quiz. 

Chapter 4/5 Vocab Quiz

Answer Key

TO-DO: Take the chapter 4/5 vocab quiz and email me. 

Monday, April 27th 

GENERAL NOTES: College Board will be sending out additional emails as May 12th (Exam Day) approaches. Please check your email regularly and read ANYTHING from them! Also, I am going to do the Unit 4 review video this week. So, please make any requests for specific things you'd like me to cover in the discussion forum for Unit 4. 

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ. Please complete the Unit 3 practice FRQ in AP classroom. It is called "Cultural Landscape." 

TO-DO: Practice FRQ in AP Classroom. 

SHOUT OUT to Aidan Emerson and Johnny Chien! They were the top two scores on Friday's Unit 3 Kahoot!

Friday, April 24th 

Happy Friday!

ASSIGNMENT: Kahoot over unit 3. This one has 45 questions so make sure you have enough time. Remember to make your name something I recognize so I can give you credit. 

Kahoot Code: 05639617

TO-DO: Play the Unit 3 review Kahoot by 11:00 tonight! 

Thursday, April 23rd 

GENERAL NOTE: Tomorrow (Friday) there will be a kahoot based on watching today's review video. This will be for points. Make sure you are checking the website DAILY so you don't miss anything!

ASSIGNMENT: Unit 3 review video. So, I found this guy who makes WAY better videos than me! His Unit 1 and 2 review videos are available to watch on YouTube so feel free to check those out. I linked his YouTube channel on the links page. For today, I want you to watch his Unit 3 review video. It's not on YouTube though. Click the link below and it will take you to his website (AP Human Geography Ultimate Review Packet). You do have to login in order to watch the video, but it's free and easy. You should watch the UNIT 3 SUMMARY VIDEO. It's about 24 min. long. 


Unit 3 Summary Video

TO-DO: Watch the Unit 3 summary video. Be ready for a Kahoot tomorrow. 

Wednesday, April 22nd

UPDATE FROM YESTERDAY: It seems like most of you got the email from College Board and responded. All you had to do was click the link confirming that you are taking the exam and you know your assigned time. I did a little more research and it actually looks like you will still be OK to take the exam if you don't get the email, you will just have to log in to your AP account before the exam. They won't send you a direct link in your email. We are about 3 weeks from the exam and College Board is just trying to iron out any wrinkles BEFORE test day... which is good!

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ today. I made up a totally random unrealistic one just to let you confirm that you understand region and diffusion. This one only has 4 parts so it should be very quick to do. Scoring guidelines are on the second page... let me know if you have questions!

Practice FRQ - Zombie Apocalypse

TO-DO: Practice FRQ. Take care of College Board email response if you haven't already. 

Tuesday, April 21st 

IMPORTANT INFO: Last week you should have received an email from College Board regarding the exam. It is CRUCIAL that you respond to this email! Not responding WILL jeopardize your ability to take the exam in May. If you did not get an email check your junk folder and/or confirm College Board has your email correct. TAKE CARE OF THIS TODAY!!!

ASSIGNMENT: Based on some (meaning a lot) of the Kahoot quiz results, I think we need to review two additional things before we move on to Unit 3. Types of diffusion and types of regions are still tripping MANY of you up. So, I'd like everyone to watch the two videos linked below. Your practice FRQ tomorrow is going to ask you to apply these concepts in detail. These two videos are from a YouTube channel that has many really good review videos so feel free to check out others as well. I've also started a distance learning/exam review section of the links page with some other resources that you might find helpful. Several of the review guide publishers are making their review guides available for FREE right now, so you should totally take advantage of those! 

Types of Regions - Review Video

Types of Diffusion - Review Video

TO-DO: Respond to the College Board email if you haven't already. Watch the two review videos and ask questions if you are confused AT ALL!

Thursday, April 16th 

GENERAL NOTE: Remember that there is no school tomorrow (Fri. 4/17) and Monday (4/20). 

ASSIGNMENT: Because this week and next week are short, I'm going to modify the review schedule slightly. I'm going to hold off and post the Unit 3 review video on Tuesday next week. That gives you all a little more time to request any topics you'd like included in that video. Unit 3 covers THREE chapters, so there's a lot of stuff in there! I still want you to have the opportunity to get a grade for this week, so I'd like you to do a Unit 2 Kahoot today. Lots of good "big concept" kinds of questions in this one! Code is below. You have until 11pm to complete it. 

Kahoot Code: 05897721 (This is for a grade)

TO-DO: Play the Unit 2 review Kahoot by 11:00 tonight!

Wednesday, April 15th 

GENERAL NOTE: Requests for the Unit 3 review video need to be made by NOON TODAY! 

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ for this week. This one is very current! It is excellent for practice because it bridges several units which is what you will see on the AP Exam. I tried to make the scoring guidelines more detailed since you won't be able to find this in a book. Please let me know if you need any help scoring or want me to take a look at what you wrote. GOOD LUCK!

COVID-19 Practice FRQ

TO-DO: Complete the practice FRQ. Make sure to time yourself and only take 25 minutes. Score your response. 

Tuesday April 14th 

GENERAL NOTE: From this point forward, I plan on having 1-2 grades each week for the remainder of the semester.

ASSIGNMENT: So, I didn't post a practice FRQ yesterday so don't worry about completing one. Just do one this week (Wednesday) since we don't actually have school on Friday. I have a good one for you on COVID-19 so I'll post that tomorrow. Today, your only job is to look over ALL of the Unit 3 information and let me know what you would like me to cover in the Unit 3 review video. Remember... Unit 3 is chapters 4/5/6. I'll be posting that video on Thursday so I need your suggestions no later than noon tomorrow. 

TO-DO: Post your requests for the Unit 3 review video in the Unit 3 discussion forum by noon tomorrow. 

Friday, April 10th 

GENERAL NOTE: From this point forward, I plan on having 1-2 grades each week for the remainder of the semester.

ASSIGNMENT: Slight modification for this week! I finally got the Unit 2 review video to upload... it took almost 18 hours for some reason??? Click here to watch the video. Since this is Friday, I'm going to make the grade this week the successful completion of Wednesday's practice FRQ (population density in China). If you've already done that and submitted it to AP Classroom, then your only job today is to watch the Unit 2 review video. 

TO-DO: Watch the Unit 2 review video. Make sure you completed Wednesday's practice FRQ in AP classroom. 

Thursday, April 9th 

GENERAL NOTE: From this point forward, I plan on having 1-2 grades each week for the remainder of the semester.

ASSIGNMENT: I'm having some technical difficulties with the Unit 2 video. I should have it up by this afternoon. Stay tuned and I'll update as soon as it's ready to go. Sorry for the delay!

TO-DO: Watch the Unit 2 review video (once it's ready). 

Wednesday, April 8th 

GENERAL NOTE: From this point forward, I plan on having 1-2 grades each week for the remainder of the semester. Also, TODAY at noon is the deadline to make requests for the unit 2 review video!

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ today. Please complete the unit 1 FRQ in AP classroom. The FRQ is on "Population Density in China." This is a good practice question because it bridges more than one unit, which the two on the exam absolutely WILL do. 

TO-DO: Practice FRQ in AP classroom. Make sure you submit!

Tuesday, April 7th 

GENERAL NOTE: From this point forward, I plan on having 1-2 grades each week for the remainder of the semester. Also, this Wednesday at noon is the deadline to make requests for the unit 2 review video!

ASSIGNMENT: On Friday, the College Board released more information on what the AP Exam will be like. We now know the date, the exact format, how long you'll get for each question, and how the "open note" thing will work. I was going to film a video... then this one was shared with me by another teacher and it covers everything. You only need to watch the first 4:30. Click here to watch the video. Let me know in the general discussion forum if you have any questions! 

TO-DO: Watch the video on the AP exam format. Ask questions in the forum. 

Friday, April 3rd 

GENERAL NOTE: Today's task will be for a grade if you choose to complete it. The deadline to request topics for the Unit 2 review video is Wednesday, April 8th by noon. 

ASSIGNMENT: Play the Unit 1 review Kahoot. If you haven't already watched yesterday's Unit 1 review video, do that before you play... it will help. You have until 11:00 pm to play. 

Kahoot Code: 0395244

TO-DO: Play the Kahoot. Make sure your username is your name. 

Thursday, April 2nd 

GENERAL NOTE: I'm sure you've all heard by now... we are out until at least April 30th. Heads up... tomorrow I'm going to have a unit 1 vocab challenge that I will give you points for completing. 

ASSIGNMENT: I filmed the Unit 1 review video for you. I filmed it differently than the one last week so please let me know your thoughts and if you like this way of filming for the review videos. If you have any questions on anything or need clarification, ask in the Unit 1 discussion forum. Click here to watch the video

TO-DO: Watch the unit 1 review video. Ask any additional questions on the fourm. 

Wednesday, April 1st 

GENERAL NOTE: Today is the last day to request things you want me to include in the Unit 1 review video. I'll post that video tomorrow!

ASSIGNMENT: For today's practice FRQ, I want everyone to try a specific one from AP Classroom. Please complete the unit 5 practice FRQ titled "Orange Fruit Production." Like you've been doing, only use notes if absolutely necessary and time yourself. If you have already done this FRQ AND submitted it... then try a different one!

TO-DO: Complete the orange fruit production FRQ and SUBMIT! Do not take longer than 25 minutes. 

SHOUT OUT to Shruti Narwaney, Johnnie Chien, and Gabby Ezzell for scoring 100% on yesterday's Kahoot!!!

Tuesday, March 31st 

GENERAL NOTE: Remember that I will be filming the Unit 1 review video this week. By noon on Wednesday 4/1 post your requests in the Unit 1 discussion forum. 

ASSIGNMENT: Today's assignment is worth 10 points for completion. I'd like you to do a Kahoot that reviews the Demographic Transition Model (DTM) and the Epidemiological Transition Model (ETM). Use the code below to play. Make sure your name is YOUR NAME when you play so I can give you credit for completing this!  

Kahoot code: 0471400

TO-DO: Play the Kahoot. You have until 11:00 tonight!


Monday, March 30th

GENERAL NOTE: Remember that I will be filming the Unit 1 review video this week. By noon on Wednesday 4/1 post your requests in the Unit 1 discussion forum. Also, I'm going to have an assignment for points this week. So, for those of you who have been asking... TUNE IN TOMORROW!

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ. You can do one from AP Classroom, or try out the one below. Remember that the first page is the FRQ and the second page is the scoring guidelines. If you have specific questions or want me to look over anything, just let me know. 


TO-DO: Complete a practice FRQ. Time yourself and don't spend any longer than 25 minutes. Try to only use notes as necessary. 


Friday, March 27th 

GENERAL NOTE: I think I was a little too ambitious trying to get the Unit 1 review video in this week. We have plenty of time... so I'd like to POST that video on Thursday next week. That means I need you to tell me what you want to be included in it NO LATER than noon on Wednesday 4/1. Post your requests in the Unit 1 discussion forum. Also... I need EVERYONE to participate in SOME WAY by the end of today. If you haven't already. please make a comment, post a good vibe, or send me an e-mail by the end of the day TODAY! If I don't hear from you I'm going to start harassing you... ;)

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ. You can do one from AP Classroom, or try out the one below. Remember that the first page is the FRQ and the second page is the scoring guidelines. If you have specific questions or want me to look over anything, just let me know. 

PRACTICE FRQ #2 - Language/Culture

TO-DO: Complete a practice FRQ. Time yourself and don't spend any longer than 25 minutes. Try to only use notes as necessary. 


Thursday, March 26th 

ASSIGNMENT / TO-DO: We're going to keep it simple today! On the forum page, I've created a new discussion called "Good Vibes Only." Share something positive! Anything! I started... you add something if you'd like to!


Wednesday, March 25th 

GENERAL NOTE: Please ask questions in the forums unless they are specific to you and your situation/grade! People are asking me a lot of good questions through email that would benefit everyone!

ASSIGNMENT: Practice FRQ today. You can select one of your choosing from AP classroom, or you can try the one below. FRQs from AP classroom as well as the one below have grading guidelines with them, so make sure to score yourself and see how you did! Also, remember that the AP YouTube channel begins today. APHG is at 3:00. 

PRACTICE FRQ (page one is the FRQ, page 2 is the answer key)

TO-DO: Complete a practice FRQ. Time yourself and don't spend any longer than 25 minutes. Try to only use notes as necessary. 

Tuesday, March 24th 

Hi, everyone! This is where you will find the daily schedule which explains what your assignment for the day is. Sometimes, you will have to access things from the links page which you can navigate to from the AP Human Geography drop-down menu above. 

ASSIGNMENT: Watch the intro video I filmed for you. It should answer all of your questions regarding the AP Exam, distance learning, and what we will be doing over the coming weeks. Click here to watch the video. I realized that in the video I forgot to say that Ch. 13 is also NOT on the exam. So don't worry about that one either!

TO-DO: Check AP Classroom login/access, bookmark AP youtube site, set up your discussion forum user name. 

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