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Medieval History Distance Learning Homepage

New assignments will be posted on

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Monday, May 18th 


ASSIGNMENT: You have one final assignment this week. It will be worth 100 points. It is not a completion grade. I will grade the quality of your work. Your grade cannot go down, but you aren't guaranteed a 100% just by turning something in. So, depending on where your grade is and where you want to end the semester... plan accordingly. 


1. This can be done either by writing/typing your response and submitting via email, OR you can record yourself talking through your response and submit the video to me. If you do a video it MUST be video AND audio both. 

2. Imagine that time travel is suddenly made possible. If you had the chance to take advantage of this new opportunity and go back in time and live the remainder of your life in Medieval Europe, would you go? Why or why not?


3. Your response should include at least 2-3 specific reasons that support your choice and clear explanation of WHY. 


4. A well constructed written response should be 1-2 pages, and a well done recorded response should be 2-3 minutes. 


TO DO: Submit your time travel response NO LATER than Thursday, May 21st at NOON! 

Wednesday, May 13th - Friday, May 15th

ASSIGNMENT: No new assignments this week. Next week I'm going to announce the last assignment of the semester which will be worth much more points than anything we've done so far during distance learning. This will be the last opportunity to impact your grade. So, stay tuned and have a good rest of the week! Enjoy the warm weather!

Monday, May 11th 

ASSIGNMENT: Since there was some weird formatting on Friday, today is an extension of last week's assignment. You have until 2pm TODAY to play the Kahoot. Feel free to have your video questions out to help you. If you score an 18/20 I will drop your lowest score from the gradebook. This is the ONLY opportunity you will have for a grade drop.

Kahoot Code: 09099250

TO-DO: Play the Kahoot BY 2 pm MONDAY 5/11. 

Friday, May 8th 

GENERAL NOTES: Remember that in order to drop your lowest score from the gradebook, you MUST score at least an 18/20 on today's Kahoot. 

UPDATE: There was something going on with the formatting of this page and several people said they couldn't see the code for today's Kahoot. It (should be) fixed now but let me know if you're still having trouble. I've extended the deadline for the Kahoot until MONDAY at 2pm. This is the ONLY OPPORTUNITY you will have to drop your lowest grade... so GET ON IT!

ASSIGNMENT: Play the Kahoot. Feel free to have your video questions out to help you. 

Kahoot Code: 09099250

TO-DO: Play the Kahoot BY 2 pm MONDAY 5/11. 

Monday, May 4th 

GENERAL NOTES: This week we're going to do something different. You are going to have one assignment for the week and a Kahoot on Friday. Friday's Kahoot will be 20 questions and will be a little more challenging than the last couple. If you score an A on the Kahoot (18/20) I will drop your lowest grade from the gradebook. Sound good?

ASSIGNMENT: I'd like you to watch the Black Plague video we would have watched in class if we were there. It is 90 minutes, so I'm giving you until Friday to watch it. This means I won't post an additional assignment Wednesday this week. To help you with the important information for the Kahoot, I've included the video questions below feel free to use these as you watch.  

Plague Video Questions

Plague Video


TO-DO: Watch the plague video. Kahoot on Friday. 

Friday, May 1st

GENERAL NOTES: This week's grade will be based on your participation in the discussion forum on the towns and cities reading, AND taking today's Kahoot. You must complete both to get the points. 

ASSIGNMENT: Play the Kahoot over the Medieval Towns and Cities reading from Monday. It's only 5 questions so it will be quick, but make sure you've read!

Kahoot Code: 03453014


TO-DO: Play the Kahoot BY 11pm TONIGHT! 

Wednesday, April 29th 

GENERAL NOTES: This week there will be one grade based upon your completion of three days (M/W/F). 

ASSIGNMENT: It looks like people need a little more time to finish Monday's assignment. So, I'm not going to add anything today. BEFORE FRIDAY make sure you have read the chapter on Medieval towns and cities (posted Mon) and participated in the discussion forum. 

TO-DO: Read the chapter, then post in the forum if you haven't already. 

Monday, April 27th 

GENERAL NOTES: This week there will be one grade based upon your completion of three days (M/W/F). 

ASSIGNMENT: We are going to move forward this week and get into some of the things that will lead to the plague. First, I'd like you to get a sense of what life was like in Medieval towns and cities. When the plague eventually hits, it will be the conditions of these cities that allow it to spread and flourish. Your job today is to read a short chapter from a book that I really love on Medieval History. It's called The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England. Once you've read the chapter post a thought/question/comment in the discussion forum I created. 

The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England: Towns and Cities


TO-DO: Read the chapter, then post in the forum. 

Friday, April 24th 

Happy Friday!

ASSIGNMENT: Today, you should play the 10 question Kahoot based on Wednesday's reading over Medieval law and order. So, if you haven't read that yet make sure you do before you attempt the Kahoot! Completion of this Kahoot will be your grade for this week.  


Kahoot Code: 05857320

TO-DO: Play the Kahoot BEFORE 11:00 tonight!

Wednesday, April 22nd  

GENERAL NOTE: Remember that there will be 1 grade each week. Make sure to check the website every Mon/Wed/Fri to make sure you don't miss anything. 

ASSIGNMENT: This week's grade will be a combination of today's assignment with a quiz on Friday. One slightly unpleasant aspect of Medieval history that we haven't learned about yet is how law and order was handled. The most important thing you have to understand is that the entire system was based on fear. Fear of the church, fear of the punishments, and fear of those above you in the feudal system. I'd like you to read a short article to get an idea of how all of this worked. If you find this stuff interesting feel free to do some additional research. There are some good YouTube videos out there! If you're squeamish... just read the article!

Law and Order: Medieval Style (reading)

TO-DO: Read the article on Medieval law and order. 

Wednesday, April 15th 

GENERAL NOTE: Remember that there will be 1 grade each week. Make sure to check the website daily to make sure you don't miss anything. 

ASSIGNMENT: Since this is a short week (no school Friday and next Monday) we are going to do something quick and easy. Medieval food! Some of you watched the food episodes from the Modern History YouTube channel, but I found another from a channel called "Weird History" that I thought was interesting. I'd like everyone to watch the first video listed below and maybe 1-2 others, then comment on the discussion forum I've created for Medieval Food. Let me know your thoughts, something you learned, found interesting, or questions you have! 

TO-DO: Watch the Weird History Food video and 1-2 others and comment on the discussion forum. 

Weird History - What the Average Medieval Diet Was Like

Modern History TV - What did Peasants Eat in Medieval Times?

Modern History TV - What did Rich Nobles Eat in Medieval Times?

Modern History TV - What did a Knight's Vassals Eat?

Modern History TV - How Healthy Was Medieval Food?

Wednesday, April 8th - Friday, April 10th 

GENERAL NOTE: This week there will be a grade for the assignment due FRIDAY. 

ASSIGNMENT: We are going to add in something new this week that ties into many of the things we've been learning about. Heraldry is the name for the decoration of shields and flags that became popular during the Middle Ages. Your job today is to learn a little about the practice, why it originated, what colors/symbols were typically used, and some of the specific heraldry vocabulary. Below, you will find links to several resources, including the powerpoint I would use if we were doing this together in class. If you have questions or need clarification on anything, I've created a discussion forum for heraldry questions. You do not need to post in this forum as part of your grade... it is purely for questions you may have.


Your grade for this week will be to create your own shield. Here are the requirements:

  1. You can be as creative as you'd like, but your shield must incorporate AT LEAST 2 elements of actual Medieval heraldry. For example, you can use non-Medieval symbols and colors but then have an actual Medieval Ordinaire. 

  2. Your shield should be in full color. Digital or hand-drawn is fine. You only need to complete a shield, don't worry about a full coat of arms with all the "stuff" around the shield. 

  3. To submit: upload a photo of your shield to the discussion forum called "Class shields." DO NOT email me your shield... you will not get a grade. 

  4. Your uploaded photo should be accompanied by a BRIEF explanation of your design (why did you choose this design? What does it all mean?) and the two actual heraldry elements you included. 

  5. Keep in mind... shields should be a reflection of who you are! What you like, what's important to you, and how you want to be perceived by others. 

TO-DO: Read about Medieval heraldry, ask any questions you may have, begin creating your own shield which is due by midnight on FRIDAY


Mrs. Meyers' powerpoint

Beginners Guide to Heraldry 

International Heraldry Rules

Friday, April 3rd 

GENERAL NOTE: Remember... this week, I will be offering a grade to those of you who complete the entire week's assignments (M/W/F). Your grade will be based on whether you participate in each of the daily tasks. You can go back and do any tasks from earlier in the week! To get the grade, you must complete ALL THREE: Monday (video/forum), Wednesday (video/forum), Friday (Kahoot).

ASSIGNMENT: No video today. I'd like everyone to play the unit 2 review Kahoot. The join code is below. When you join, make sure your name is YOUR NAME so I can tell who has played. Good Luck! You have until 11:00 pm to play. After that, the game will lock. 

Kahoot code: 0698172

TO-DO: Play today's Kahoot, check that you participated on Monday and Wednesday. 

Wednesday, April 1st 

GENERAL NOTE: Remember... this week, I will be offering a grade to those of you who complete the entire week's assignments (M/W/F). Your grade will be based on whether you participate in each of the daily forums on the given topic.

ASSIGNMENT: Today's video is a different one from Modern History TV. Please watch episode 31: How Did Knights Hunt With Birds of Prey?  Once you've watched, head over to the discussion forum. The video is linked in the box to the left. 

TO-DO: Watch the video, participate in the discussion forum. 

Monday, March 30th 

I hope everyone had a good weekend! 

ASSIGNMENT: This week, I will be offering a grade to those of you who complete the entire week's assignments (M/W/F). Your grade will be based on whether you participate in each of the daily forums on the given topic. For this week, we are going to be using some videos from a YouTube channel that I LOVE! Jason Kingsley is a Medieval historian and lives in England. He owns and trains his own horses and is skilled in armored combat. His channel, called Modern History TV, is one of the best for knights and general Medieval life. I've linked his channel in the box to the left. Once you get there, scroll down until you see the playlist called "The Knight - Full Series." He has 61 videos dedicated to Medieval knights. Start by watching the first one "What Does it Mean to be a Knight?" Then, select at least TWO additional episodes to watch... any that sound interesting. Once you've finished watching THREE videos, head over to the discussion forum. Like last week, give me thoughts, something you learned, or questions you have. I've started a discussion for episode 1. Please keep the forum organized with a separate discussion per episode so it doesn't get too confusing. 

TO-DO: Watch three videos, participate in the discussion forum. 

Friday, March 27th 

GENERAL NOTE: I need EVERYONE to participate in some way by the end of today. You can participate in any of the forums or send me an email, but I need to know you are out there and have checked what's going on! If I don't hear from you by the end of today... I'm going to start harassing you ;) 

ASSIGNMENT: I'm not going to add anything new for today. Since this is our first week attempting distance learning, I'd like to give everyone a chance to catch up. So, if you've already done Wednesday's assignment and participated in the forum... you're good to go! If you haven't done that yet then get a move on! 

TO-DO: Wednesday's assignment before the end of the day today. 

OPTIONAL: If you have watched everything on Netflix already, there are several episodes of Great British Castles available on YouTube. The Tower of London one you watched Wednesday is from season 2, but there are many episodes that are good. Check them out if you're interested!

Wednesday, March 25th 

ASSIGNMENT: For today, you are going to watch the Tower of London video I had planned to show in class this week. It ties together many of the topics we've been learning about the past few weeks like knights, castles, feudalism, the Battle of Hastings, and William the Conqueror. I've included the video questions for you to use as you watch the video to help you with the important info, but you will NOT turn these questions in. 

Video questions for reference

TO DO: After you've watched the video, head over to the discussion forum. You will see a dedicated forum for this video. Ask a question, make a comment, respond to someone else, or just point out something you learned!

Tuesday, March 24th 

This is where you will find the assignments and necessary links for each assignment. The discussion forum can be accessed from the Medieval History drop-down menu above. 

ASSIGNMENT: Watch the intro video that I filmed explaining what the expectations and assignments will be like for Medieval History. Just click on the video to the left to watch. 

TO DO: Set-up your login on the discussion forum so you can start contributing tomorrow. Remember to change your username!

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